Ho-Fung Man

Based out of the Hong Kong office, Ho-Fung is an experienced Chartered Financial Planner. He specialises in providing tailored independent advice on investments, pensions, UK inheritance tax planning, insurance, and retirement planning. He’s passionate about ensuring all of his clients’ financial affairs are well looked after by Progeny in order for their short and long-term financial objectives to be achieved.
Before joining Progeny, Ho-Fung worked in London for private banks and independent financial adviser firms spanning 15 years. He is a Fellow of the Personal Finance Society (PFS), part of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).Ho-Fung is also a regulated member of the Hong Kong Futures and Securities Commission (SFC), and holds type 1, 4 and 9 licenses, as well as being a member of the Hong Kong Insurance Authority (IA).His other qualifications include Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment (CIS) Level 6 Diploma, Investment Management Certificate (IMC) and Certificate in Mortgage Advisory Practice(CeMap). Ho-Fung can also speak Cantonese, as well as intermediate level Japanese, Korean and Mandarin.
Outside the office you can find Ho-Fung long distance running, painting, food blogging and hiking. He also enjoys travelling the world.