Services de planification financière

Chez Progeny, nous allons au-delà des approches traditionnelles pour vous apporter une perspective nouvelle à travers une gamme de services de planification financière.


Prenez votre avenir en main grâce à une planification financière experte

Au fil des ans, Progeny a constitué une équipe d’experts du secteur, afin de vous offrir une multitude de conseils spécialisés.

En tant que société de gestion de patrimoine, et avec le soutien de nos équipes juridiques et fiscales britanniques, nous sommes en mesure de fournir des conseils de planification intégrés qui couvrent l’ensemble du marché financier.

We work hard to form excellent client relationships, understand their aspirations and give the quality service and bespoke structuring they require to address their complex needs.

With offices worldwide, we offer face-to-face services globally. Our extensive network of experts ensures that we are accessible and available to your needs wherever you are.

As a B-Corp certified firm, we are proud to join a select group in the UK professional services, committed to high standards of social and environmental impact globally.

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Notre processus de planification financière

First, we get to know you and understand your financial circumstances, your goals, values and aspirations. This helps us explore and narrow down suitable strategies for you.

We also begin the process of assessing your appetite for risk, need for risk and capacity for loss.

Next step: a full audit of your present position to ensure that we have a true and complete understanding of you, your family and your financial affairs.

Lifetime Cashflow Modelling is a vital part of what we do here. We use this tool to see into your future, removing some of the guesswork and allowing you to make informed decisions. It will help to identify whether you are on track to achieve your goals and what you need to earn and save, the level of returns needed and how much risk you can afford to take. It also helps to identify any contingency planning needs for ‘life’s unknowns’.


We create a robust financial plan dealing with your wealth, your investments, tax and contingencies. This will then be shared with you, ready for you to review prior to implementation.

We will carry out in-depth research and analysis to create a robust and thorough Financial Plan, which will incorporate the following areas:

  • Wealth Structure: How best to structure your wealth to meet your current and future lifestyle goals. This will include a review of your existing money purchase pensions, investments, ISAs and cash deposits.
  • Investment Strategy: How best to structure your investable assets to manage risk and maximise returns to help increase the likelihood of achieving your goals and aspirations.
  • Tax Planning: How best to maximise the use of all available Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax allowances with the view of minimising taxes.
  • Contingency Planning: How best to ensure that your wealth can weather the storm through life’s unfortunate events. We will review all your protection needs. Where there is a requirement to engage the services of a  UK solicitor or accountant, we may introduce you to Progeny Law & Tax Limited.

These elements will then culminate into the creation and delivery of a personalised full financial planning report that includes your strategic plan, together with the rationale and evidence to support the suitability of our advice and recommendations.

Proper financial planning is not a one-off event. Our ongoing advice process ensures that you stay on track and achieve your life goals in an ever-changing world.

This is a dynamic and evolving process to ensure that you meet your goals and aspirations. Your plans will have to adapt to changing conditions and circumstances along the way, and for this reason, people need ongoing advice, counselling and support.

Our ongoing Advice Service is designed to work with you in an open, transparent and collaborative way. We aim to give you a clear picture of your current position and financial progress based on your stated goals and aspirations.

We will issue a comprehensive Review Meeting Report covering our discussions and recommended actions. In this, we will cover:

Utilising available allowances, legislative changes, Income Tax planning, Capital Gains Tax planning and Inheritance Tax planning.

Reappraisal of the ongoing suitability of existing plans.

Any top-ups to existing ISAs, pensions and investments that we may recommend.

Finally, where required, we will liaise with your accountant and/or solicitor.

Des stratégies sur mesure pour vous aider à atteindre la liberté financière

Forte d’une expérience de plusieurs dizaines d’années auprès de clients britanniques et internationaux, notre équipe d’experts a traité une grande variété de demandes complexes, dans le but d’aider les gens à atteindre la liberté financière.

Nous offrons un service exclusif à nos clients, basé sur des circonstances individuelles, vous plaçant au centre de tout ce que nous faisons.

Cela commence par une analyse complète de votre situation, de vos aspirations et de vos actifs existants, afin d’obtenir une compréhension approfondie de vous et de votre monde.

A partir de là, nous pouvons créer une stratégie sur mesure, avec des recommandations personnalisées pour améliorer et enrichir votre portefeuille, tout en suggérant des moyens de minimiser les coûts.







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Veuillez noter :

Cette communication ne constitue pas un conseil en investissement. La valeur des investissements et les revenus qui en découlent ne sont pas garantis, peuvent baisser et vous pouvez récupérer moins que ce que vous avez investi. Votre capital est donc toujours à risque. Les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures. Si vous investissez dans des devises autres que la vôtre, les fluctuations de la valeur de la devise signifieront que la valeur de votre investissement évoluera indépendamment de l’actif sous-jacent. Le traitement fiscal dépend des circonstances individuelles et est basé sur la législation fiscale britannique actuelle, qui est susceptible d’être modifiée à tout moment.

Questions fréquemment posées

Financial planning involves correctly managing finances, investments and savings for future goals. These goals could involve your retirement, providing for your children or making a large purchase.

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