Risk Profiling
It all starts with knowing suitability and tools like risk profiling are used to support decisions, including ESG and more.
This section of our website is intended for professional intermediaries and should not be relied upon by retail investors. Please note that our portfolios are generally not directly available to retail clients without the recommendation of a financial adviser.
Oxford Risk
Oxford Risk is a popular tool used across the financial services sector. It provides an innovative way of supporting advisers with assessing risk tolerance and risk capacity.
The questions are designed to really get to know clients and truly understand their financial goals and needs, looking specifically at how much risk individuals are comfortable with and how this maps to investment options available to help money grow.
Each portfolio and fund solution is independently assessed with an appropriate risk level assigned to each investment. In addition to this risk assessment, Oxford Risk also takes into account capacity for loss. Answers to the short multiple choice questions, feed into the scientific methodology that sits behinds the scenes, allowing advisers to map clients’ answers to suitable investment solutions, ensuring consistency throughout the process.
Each unique risk report provides advisers with the key information they require to dig deeper and ask further questions to really ensure the investment solution is right for a client’s circumstances.
The Oxford Risk approach is unique for applying a robust academic methodology to the mapping questions, and producing a dynamic process that fully accounts for changes in investor circumstances and market parameters including ESG.
Using Oxford Risk provides advisers with a qualitative approach to match clients suitability with our investment solutions.

Please note
This communication is not investment advice. The value of investments and income from them is not guaranteed, can fall, and you may get back less than you invested. Your capital is therefore always at risk. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. If you invest in currencies other than your own, fluctuations in currency value will mean that the value of your investment will move independently of the underlying asset.