Our Asset Management Solutions

All of our solutions are built on the foundations of our investment principles. They are designed to deliver an investment solutions that is unbiased across a broad product range and tailored to suit investor’s needs.

This section of our website is intended for professional intermediaries and should not be relied upon by retail investors. Please note that our portfolios are generally not directly available to retail clients without the recommendation of a financial adviser or planner.


What makes an exceptional investment journey?

Intelligent and agile, cost-effective asset management solutions to help investors achieve their financial objectives.

The journey starts with expert planning, to a time frame based around the financial objectives. Throughout this journey we can determine what strategy performs well and the solutions required to take investing to an exceptional level. We call our products and services ‘solutions’ because whatever a investor’s needs, we have a solution that aims to ensure our investment strategy delivers the right outcome and helps investors achieve financial success.

Passive Solutions

Tailored Solutions

Please Note

The value of investments and income from them is not guaranteed, and can fall, and an investor may get back less than an investor invested. Capital is therefore always at risk. It should be noted that stock market investing is intended for the longer term.

Investment in smaller companies can involve greater risk than investing in developed, more established markets. Above average price movements can be expected and the values of the investment may change suddenly. The promised payment of income and the return of capital could be in jeopardy in the event that the company has problems meeting its financial obligations. This service is for High-risk investors only.

Are you an investor?

Progeny Asset Management’s team work independently from any fund manager, bank or insurance company.

This means that we deliver an investment proposition that is unbiased across a wide product range to provide the balance that suits you.

Our experienced team understand the importance of bringing professionals together to achieve the best outcomes and have used this to create products with a focus on performance and costs, which can already demonstrate an impressive track record.

All our solutions are designed for clients who want to hand over the day-to-day management of their investments. We work alongside professional intermediaries to choose the right portfolios and services that are matched to investor’ objectives.

Our ability to respond to the investment climate has helped us to develop an adaptive offering and efficient, transparent processes that meet the demands and budget of today’s investor.

Progeny Asset Management Solutions

All PAM’s solutions are built on the foundations of our investment principles. PAM offer a range of cost effective fund and model portfolio solutions (MPS) Using these building blocks, we’re able to offer investors a wide range of investment strategies which are risk-rated, and provide a style-agnostic approach:

  • Active: Dynamic, ProFolio Model & ProFolio Global Ranges
  • Systematic: Tempo, Bravo & Systematic ProFolio Ranges
  • Passive: Encore Range

To complement our core offering, we’re able to provide tailored solutions for investors with more complex planning needs like managing CGT locked portfolios.

This means we’re also able to trade in direct listed securities, which extends to AIM listed stocks, which form part of our AIM/IHT Service. Working alongside our legal and tax teams, Progeny also offers access to Family Investment Companies (FICs).

Contact the team

If you would like an independent review of an existing portfolio, our Portfolio Review Service provides an assessment to establish the level of risk taken, the performance achieved and the true costs incurred, suggesting improvements where necessary.


Portfolio Review Service

Get a bespoke review and advice on your existing investment strategies.

Our portfolio review service is an independent evaluation of the investment strategy and performance of your current investment manager after costs. We provide due diligence, including risk management and oversight to review how this compares to the industry generally and to make sure your current solution meets your investment needs.

Group 430

Latest insights

Market Insight | January 2025
Pick up where you left off You’ve read this article
By Ian Hooper
10th February 2025
Press releases
Neil Moles announces new changes in Progeny’s leadership
Pick up where you left off You’ve read this article
By Progeny
28th January 2025
Market insight | Reflecting on 2024 markets, and a look at what’s to come in 2025
Pick up where you left off You’ve read this article
By Ian Hooper
15th January 2025

Important to note

This communication is not investment advice. The value of investments and income from them is not guaranteed, can fall, and you may get back less than you invested. Your capital is therefore always at risk. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. If you invest in currencies other than your own, fluctuations in currency value will mean that the value of your investment will move independently of the underlying asset.

Tax treatment depends upon individual circumstances and is based on current UK tax legislation, that is subject to change at any time.

Our Team

Helping you navigate life’s big decisions and plan for the most valuable outcomes.

Meet the team


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