Why should you consider our Systematic ProFolio range?
The funds aim to achieve overall investment growth through a strategy that combines capital gains along with the potential to generate income, building wealth over time.
Designed based on academic evidence, the funds seeks to outperform the wider market, while keeping costs low. We have chosen to work with Margetts as our Authorised Corporate Director due to their wealth of experience within the complex regulatory landscape of fund management. This allows our Fund Managers to focus on the management of the investment and gives confidence that the funds are managed professionally and responsibly.
Systematic ProFolio is a range of self-rebalancing funds that use academic evidence to support its construction, making it ideal for clients who want a cost controlled, multi -asset single fund with a global asset allocation. Matched using our selected risk profiling tool, this fund range ensures investors have a range of risk rated options to suit their needs and in the long-term meet their financial goals. Consisting of three single funds, Systematic ProFolio 40, Systematic ProFolio 60 and Systematic ProFolio 80 corresponds to the different level of total equity market exposure within each solution.
These funds are available on many retail platforms in GBP, offering both accumulation and income units.
This section of our website is intended for professional intermediaries and should not be relied upon by retail investors. Please note that our portfolios are generally not directly available to retail clients without the recommendation of a financial adviser.
MGTS Progeny Systematic Profolio Fund
Factsheet MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 40 Fund Acc
Factsheet MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 40 Fund Inc
Factsheet MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 60 Fund Acc
Factsheet MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 60 Fund Inc
KIID Documents
KIID MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 60 Acc
KIID MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 80 Acc
KIID MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 40 Inc
KIID MGTS Progeny Systematic ProFolio 60 Inc
Important to note
The value of investments and income from them is not guaranteed, can fall, and you may get back less than you invested. Your capital is therefore always at risk. It should be noted that stock market investing is intended for the longer term.
Investors should ensure that they have read and understood the Non UCITS Retail Key Investor Information Document (NURS-KII).
The information contained within this page is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK.
Risk factors should be taken into account and understood including (but not limited to) currency movements, market risk, liquidity risk, concentration risk, lack of certainty risk, inflation risk, performance risk, local market risk and credit risk.