Dynamic Portfolios

Our Dynamic portfolios retain our investment principles with an unconstrained approach. This means our asset managers use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research, based on statistical analysis of returns rather than a specific benchmark.

Dynamic Portfolios

A better way to invest

Our Dynamic portfolio range of risk-targeted investments was established in 2016 and designed as an unconstrained solution. This means we are not constrained by investment style when portfolios are constructed.

This allows our asset management team to take a more hands on approach instead of tracking a benchmark whilst adhering to our investment principles. Like all of our investment solutions, we pursue returns across widely diversified asset classes for suitability to a matched risk range.

We have developed our innovative offering by being agile and responsive to our clients’ needs, alongside the uncertainty of market conditions. Too many investors pay for poor investment performance and sub-standard service. We’re here to show that there’s a better way to invest and make the most of balancing risk and return.


*Please Note: This portfolio is now only available to existing investors.

What it is
What it is not
Multi-discipline approach to fund allocation
A ‘closet tracker’
Facts and figures-based
Aligned to a prescribed asset allocation
A faceless service
Competitively priced
Emotion-led fund picking

Our solutions

Our solutions are ideal for investors who would like to hand over the day-to-day management of their portfolio to experts because they offer the reassurance of a carefully selected portfolio of funds, across a broad spectrum of assets. Regular rebalancing ensures it stays on course over the long-term.

With all of our portfolios, investors can be secure in the knowledge that investments are being carefully looked after by our experienced asset management team. The Dynamic service is a fund of funds solution. It is made of the MGTS Progeny Dynamic Bond and MGTS Progeny Dynamic Equity funds. Within the MGTS Progeny Dynamic Bond and Equity Funds, a number of different holdings span different asset classes and geographies. Matched using our selected risk profiling tool our solutions ensure the most appropriate portfolio is chosen to meet investors  objectives, considering capacity to suffer losses and financial goals.

For more information on our Dynamic portfolios

Get in touch


This section of our website is intended for professional intermediaries and should not be relied upon by retail investors. Please note that our portfolios are generally not directly available to retail clients without the recommendation of a financial adviser.

Dynamic Portfolios

Factsheet – 30

Factsheet: Dynamic Portfolio 30

Factsheet – 40

Factsheet: Dynamic Portfolio 40

Factsheet – 50

Factsheet: Dynamic Portfolio 50

Factsheet – 60

Factsheet: Dynamic Portfolio 60

Important to note

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise and investors may get back less than they invested. Your capital is therefore always at risk. It should be noted that stock market investing is intended for the longer term.


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