There are many things to consider when you’re buying a business. Purchasing a going concern, if you decide to take this route, comes with its own particular range of considerations.
What’s the true value of the target? How will you fund the purchase? How can you structure the sale proceeds to meet your funding limitations? What research have you done into the business? How well do you know the market? Have you performed all of the necessary due diligence? How do you protect against over-paying?
Many entrepreneurs see their role as helping a business build, grow and move into and through the next stage in its development. You might not have launched the target company yourself, but you’re going to need to know it inside out before you commit to the purchase.
We advise on all of the key aspects of buying a business including:
Focussed and pragmatic legal due diligence
Creative ways to structure the purchase price (earn outs, deferred, etc.)
Maximising tax savings
Negotiation of warranties and indemnities
Project managing the deal
Our aim is to minimise your risk and provide an efficient, thorough and proactive service which assists you though every step of the purchase.