
Progeny Hat Trick at Inaugural Annual Conference

Neil Moles and Alex Shaw speaking at Progeny's Annual Conference 2018

Progeny Inaugural Annual Conference 2018

Last month we held a fantastic event which brought together 70 of our senior staff from across the UK in one place for the first time. The theme was teamwork and storytelling. We were thrilled to welcome David Swanwick, VP at Dimensional Fund Advisers who talked about how as financial advisers we should always aim to reduce complexity in communicating with clients. We are most grateful for his insightful approach and will be putting our newly found drawing skills to good use.

We were joined at the Dimensional offices in London by three external guest speakers to the conference, each with their own impressive story about overcoming adversity and turning the “impossible into the inevitable”, as David Clarke said. He is a successful banker and former captain of the England men’s blind football team. He shared with us his tale of incredible tenacity in building a pathway to success. David scored 128 goals for England. (If you are curious about how blind football is played, here is an interesting video clip!). In keeping with the sports theme, Kevin Sinfield, one of the most celebrated rugby league players of all time, talked us through the factors behind his stellar sporting career. Progeny began in Leeds and so it was especially great to have the Director of Rugby for Leeds Rhinos in the Super League. Alongside these sporting legends, was Scott Allen, the children’s author who wrote the hugely successful Llamas United books. Inspiring kids to read through his stories about football. He shared with us how to create more engaging narratives which we hope to put to use in our client communications.

The conference was a great day and we were delighted by the enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by our Progeny team.

From day one, Progeny has set out to change the way that professional services are delivered in the UK by combining financial planning, wealth and asset management and private and corporate legal advice and creating a joined-up, transparent and professional approach. Conceived with the aim of becoming the planning firm for high-net-worth individuals and families in the UK, we specifically target those with complex needs, who might require more than one type of service.

We make sure we bring the very best talent into the business. Next year is set to be another year of expansion. We will continue to increase the number of our clients for whom we provide multiple services from our unique framework of coordinated advice. Teamwork and close cooperation are crucial to the success of this, and all parts of the business are now unified under the same Progeny brand and vision.

We are developing exciting new offerings for clients, seizing the opportunities of technology to enhance their experience and drive the business forward. It’s this innovative integration of our expert advice with cutting-edge technology that will make us market leaders in the years ahead.

Our commitment to investing in our people remains strong. We have a structure that allows everyone to progress, for the good of the group and ultimately our clients. We want the Progeny brand to continue to be associated with professionalism and innovation, and our people are fundamental to achieving this. We believe that with teamwork and a strong sense of the next steps in the Progeny story, we will grow the business and the brand in line with this vision.

If you would like to find out how the Progeny team can become a vital part of your story, please get in touch.

Meet the expert
Neil Moles
Group President & Non-Executive Director

Neil joined the company that would become Progeny in May 2004, following eight years in technical and advisory roles with regional and national advisory firms. He led the management buyout of the firm in 2008, at which time he became Managing Director. Since then, he has been focussed on building Progeny into everything that it is today.

Neil’s main focus is on developing and delivering the strategy of the business. As an ambitious individual, he is looking to create one of the most respected advisory firms in the country.

Neil lives in North Yorkshire with his partner and daughter. In his rare moments of spare time, he enjoys playing golf and watching sport with his family.

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