Our unique combination of financial and legal services…
We act as court of protection deputies, advising on all aspects of court of protection matters, including applications to be appointed as a deputy and subsequent applications for tax planning.
Our service goes beyond simple form filling. We believe that it is important to consider carefully all the potential consequences of the choices that you make. Your powers of attorney should form a key part of the overall strategy that you adopt. As with a Will, these should be reviewed regularly so that when they are needed they are in the precise form that you want.
We can provide advice on all aspects of creating, registering and using lasting powers of attorney. These are documents which allow you to select in advance who should make decisions for you if you are unable to make them for yourself due to capacity difficulties.
A Property and Financial Affairs LPA deals with all decisions with a financial element and a Health and Welfare LPA covers all of the decisions which need to be taken of a more personal nature such as where you live and the medical treatment you receive. Both types of power must be registered before they can be used and the registration process typically takes up to eight weeks.
Sometimes, all that is needed is a more simple ‘ordinary’ power of attorney if you have physical rather than mental capacity difficulties or if you may not have time to wait for a lasting power of attorney to be registered.
We can also be appointed to act as your attorneys though we usually suggest that you choose close friends or family members to act in this role.
Specifically, we advise on:
- Court of protection applications
- Deputyship & administration advice
- EPA & LPA advice & administration advice